Iron deficiency anaemia and vegetarian diet

Iron is an essential nutrient that the human body cannot do without. It is needed by the body to synthesize haemoglobin (red blood cell) as well as myoglobin (iron-binding protein …

Complete proteins from plant-based sources

The most commonly known sources of proteins for vegetarians, especially for vegans who avoid all animal-based foods, including eggs and dairy, are legumes like beans and peas. However, legumes are …

Zinc – The element of good health

Are you feeling tired, low mood, loss of appetite, indigestion, and catch a cold easily? Chances are, your body may be low in zinc. Zinc is such a critical element …

By viviandnguyen_/

Soy is GOOD for breast cancer patients

Many breast cancer patients were advised by their oncologist to avoid soy foods and products. This has severely restricted the sources of protein for anyone who is considering a plant-based …

Don’t keep beans out of your diet!

I have met quite a number of people, both vegetarians and non-vegetarians, who try to avoid eating beans, lentils and their derived products such as tofu and tempeh. While a …

Making my own Taugeh (mung bean sprouts)

Let’s talk about sprouting again; this time I am going to talk about Taugeh (豆芽, mung bean sprouts). Well, Taugeh is definitely one of the most commonly used ingredients that …