Drink plenty of plain water to keep our body healthy

I like to drink water.  Since young, I listen to mom’s advice to always drink plenty of water to keep my body ‘cool’ and healthy, especially in hot weather. Whenever …

Read food labels – Step 3: Check the ingredient list for sugars, refined carbohydrates, and chemical additives

Sugars and refined carbohydrates – everyone knows we should not consume too much of them, right? According to a national survey done by the Health Promotion Board, the diet consumed …

Read food labels – Step 2: Check the sodium content

The next thing we should be aware of when consuming packaged food is sodium. Again, sodium is an important mineral in our body. Our bodies use sodium to regulate blood …

Read food labels – Step 1: Check the fat content

The first thing that we should watch out on all packaged food is FAT. Don’t be mistaken. Fat is NOT necessarily bad. Our body needs fat. Fat is our body’s …

Read food labels in 3 easy steps

We all know that in order to stay healthy, we should be careful of what we eat. This is especially true when come to packaged food. With tens of thousands …

Coping with chemotherapy, my advice to a friend

Hi Liz, Sorry to hear that your dad has been diagnosed with cancer and will undergo chemotherapy soon. Please send my well wishes to him and your family. How well …

My favourite places to eat out

Ever since we become more health conscious and adopt a whole food plant-based diet, myself and my wife are very selective in term of where we eat out. No doubt, …

My wife’s diet plan during chemo treatment

The Cancer It was in February 2011, after Chinese New Year week, and two days before I was schedule to fly to Sydney. I had a bad news. My wife …

Plant-based food – A complete diet

Dear friends, Thanks for enquiring about the benefits of plant-based foods, I am more than happy to share with you what I have learned so far. I hope it will …

How do we manage to lose weight?

I was 83Kg at one point. With a height of 1.64m, my BMI was 30.85. I was at HIGH RISK! I had been a vegetarian for many years. I became …